Sunday, May 11, 2014

Blog Re-Vamp

After 5 years and 603 blog post I thought today would be a good day to re-vamp the My Scraproom Blog.  With a ton of help from my hubby we did a total re-design.  

Ok all kidding aside yes there have been a lot of blog posts and I am sure you have read them all but what really started this revamp journey was that I wanted to change the background of my blog and that opened a whole can of techno - geeky problems.

Since the beginning of my blog we have been using Drupal since I wanted to have one name for everyone to remember.. "My Scraproom".  Back then the friendly format to use was Blogger but they did not support the name I wanted or have the features that I needed.

Fast forward 5 years and Blogger has out run Drupal and I can now I can even use the name that I want and that you know and love.
What is even better is that I have access to new features and I can even turn the comments section back on!

So while the look is different it is me... Jenny and yes you are on the right blog... My Scraproom. 
 I hope you enjoy the new look.